Hello World!

Well, here it goes, my first blog post.

Firstly, welcome!  Nice of you to stop by.  I should probably give you a little bit of background information before we start ….

About 6 months ago I stumbled upon the concept of primal/paleo eating and I also picked up a copy of Gary Taubes’ book ‘Good Calories, Bad Calories’. While I’m now convinced that sugar is evil and grains are not my friend, I do struggle sometimes to resist their deliciousness. Evil or not, they still taste damn good. I also now know that calorie restriction is NOT the way to achieve a healthy mind and body (and it sure as hell wont make you happy). How many calories you consume is irrelevant – its how you consume those calories that makes all the difference.

Bring on the bacon!

I love to cook and I’m slightly obsessed with finding new recipes and information on the internet to enable my new lifestyle. I also love sharing these discoveries with friends and family (whether they like it or not!), so I’ve set up this blog and my associated Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/HappyHealthyStrong to facilitate my obsession.

I hope you enjoy the content and find it helps you to be Happy, Healthy and Strong too.


Cover of "Good Calories, Bad Calories"

1 thought on “Hello World!

  1. Pingback: My new books « Following Myself

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